Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Paleo Dill and Garlic Pickles

I have become quite fond of my 12 oz mason jars.  They work great for salads and now for pickles!  I used English cucumbers, because I prefer no seeds, and they are larger!  So more pickles to enjoy!  I hope you like my super simple take on pickles!  If you prefer crispy pickles, leave your sliced cucumbers slightly thicker.  These are good for at least 3 days, I am guessing a week, we just haven't had any last that long.  :)  You can chose to skip the olive oil if you want.  It can thicken in the fridge over the course of a few days.  If you find it lumpy, just let it sit at room temp for a few minutes.

Paleo Garlic and Dill Pickles

6 12oz mason jars
2 large English cucumbers, sliced thin
1/4 cup vinegar per jar (I used balsamic and cider)
1/4 tsp dried dill weed per jar
1/8 tsp garlic powder per jar
pinch of salt per jar
pinch of pepper per jar
drizzle of olive oil per jar
Evenly divide the cucumbers between the jars.  The jars should be about 2/3-3/4 of the way full.  Add vinegar to each jar.  Sprinkle the seasonings in each jar.  Drizzle in olive oil.  Cover and shake!  Refrigerate overnight.  Serve and enjoy!

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